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Aarzel niet om ons uw cv en uw begeleidende brief door het invullen van het formulier hieronder!
Geen aanbod past bij uw profiel?
Aarzel niet om ons uw cv en uw begeleidende brief door het invullen van het formulier hieronder!
You are about to send us personal data.
Groupe Roullier takes respect for your privacy and personal data very seriously, in accordance with applicable legislation and its commitment to ethics and compliance.
Your data is processed on the basis of your consent; by completing the following form, you authorise TIMAC AGRO International whose registered office is located at 27 av. Franklin Roosevelt B.P. 70158 F – 35408 Saint-Malo, to process and collect your data in their capacity as controller.
To exercise your rights, you can send your request to the Group’s DPO at the following address:
You also have the right to make a complaint to a supervisory authority.
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